长期以来主要工作集中在新型蛋白质表达与纯化技术开发、生物分离介质设计和研制、生物活性物质大规模分离纯化技术开发等领域。作为项目负责人主持了国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、教育部中央高校基础科研项目、教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金等科研项目,作为骨干参与了“十二五”“863”高科技研究项目。近年来在Journal of Chromatography A、Biotechnology Progress、Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 、Journal of Separation Science、Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research、Separation Science and Technology、Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering、化工进展、高校化工学报、食品与生物技术学报等杂志上发表论文30余篇,授权专利10余项。
2008-2011 江南大学,pg麻将胡了2 ,副教授
2012-至今 江南大学,粮食发酵工艺与技术国家工程实验室,副教授
2013-2014 美国俄亥俄州立大学,化工系,博士后访问学者
1、Hai-Feng Xia*, Jiu-Pei Luo, Shi-Rui Yu, Ting-Jun Zhou. Modification of C-segment of CfaDnaE split intein for improving clean-in-place in chromatography process. Biotechnology Progress. //doi.org/10.1002/btpr.3266.
2、Hai-Feng Xia*, Ting‑Jun Zhou, Ye‑Xing Du, Yu‑Jun Wang, Chang‑Hua Shi, David W. Wood. Improved protein purification system based on C‑terminal cleavage of Npu DnaE split intein. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 2020. 43:1931–1941
3、Hai-Feng Xia*, Bin-Bin Don, Meng-Jie Zheng. Mixed-mode chromatography integrated with high-performance liquid chromatography for protein analysis and separation: Using bovine serum albumin and lysozyme as the model target. Journal of Separation Science. 2016, 39, 1900-1907
4、Hai-Feng Xia*, Zhen-Dong Liang, Pu-Qiang Wu, Sha-Li Wang, Xiong-Hua Jin. Molecular modification of protein A to improve the elution pH and alkali-resistance in affinity chromatography. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2014, 172:4002-4012
5、Hai-Feng Xia*, Sha-Li Wang, Xiong-Hua Jin, Zhen-Dong Liang. Characteristics and application of porous ceramic/agarose composite beads derived as an affinity medium. Chromatographia. 2014, 77: 25-30
6、Yong-Mei Cheng, Xiong-Hua Jin, Dong Gao, Hai-Feng Xia*, Jing-Hua Chen. Thermodynamics and kinetics of lysozyme adsorption onto two kinds of weak cation exchangers. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. 2013, 18(5): 950-955
7、Hai-Feng Xia, Dong-Qiang Lin, Zhen-Ming Chen, Shan-Jing Yao. Purification of immunoglobulin of egg yolk with hydrophobic charge induction chromatography: comparison of operation modes with packed bed and expanded bed. Separation Science and Technology. 2012, 47(16), 2366-2372.
8、Hai-Feng Xia*, Xiong-Hua Jin, Pu-Qiang Wu, Zhi-Yong Zheng. Porous ceramic/agarose composite adsorbents for fast protein liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1223: 126-130
9、Hai-Feng Xia, Dong-Qiang Lin, Zhen-Ming Chen, Shan-Jing Yao. Influences of ligand structure and pH on the adsorption with hydrophobic charge induction adsorbents: a case study of antibody IgY. Separation Science and Technology. 2011, 46: 1957-1965.
10、Hai-Feng Xia, Dong-Qiang Lin, Zhen-Ming Chen, Shan-Jing Yao. Salt-promoted adsorption of an antibody onto hydrophobic charge-induction adsorbents. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2010, 55: 5751–5758
11、Hai-Feng Xia, Dong-Qiang Lin, Shan-Jing Yao. Chromatographic performance of macroporous cellulose-tungsten carbide composite beads as anion exchanger for expanded bed adsorption at high operation velocity. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008, 1195:60-66
12、Hai-Feng Xia, Dong-Qiang Lin, Li-Ping Wang, Shan-Jing Yao. Preparation and evaluation of cellulose adsorbents for hydrophobic charge induction chromatography. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47: 9566-9572
1、夏海锋;金雄华;吴璞强;郑梦杰. 一种新型高效液相色谱介质及其制备方法. 201210003448.X
2、夏海锋;吴璞强;金雄华;郑梦杰. 一种多孔陶瓷微球的孔道扩增方法. 201210003433.3
3、夏海锋;吴璞强;梁振东;王沙莉;郑梦杰. 一种性能改进的重组蛋白A亲和配基及其构建方法201310097553.9
4、夏海锋;李子武;朱胜杰. 一种去除污水中COD的微生物菌剂及其制备方法与应用. 201610389709.4
5、夏海锋;李子武;朱胜杰. 一种微生物菌剂及其制备方法与应用. 201610389710.7
6、夏海锋;王姝婧;王玉君. 亲和配基、构建方法、亲和层析介质、制备方法及应用. 201610749025.0
7、夏海锋;王沙莉;梁振东;郑梦杰. 一种凝胶微球喷射装置. 201320529198.3
8、夏海锋;王沙莉;梁振东. 一种蛋清溶菌酶生产线中的脱盐系统. 201320531230.1
9、夏海锋;朱贺文;臧颖超;张光生. 一种顶空气相的方法检测离子交换树脂中8种有机物残留的方法. 202011300230.1
10、夏海锋;罗久沛;周挺峻. 一种自剪切蛋白标签、改造方法及其应用. 202110893289.4
2、江苏省自然科学基金面上研究项目,基于Npu DnaE断裂内含肽的自我剪切型亲和纯化标签和纯化系统的基础研究