主要致力于发酵法规模化合成功能寡糖链及糖链功能的挖掘研究。先后主讲过《分子生物学》,《微生物遗传育种学》,《糖生物制造》等课程。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,博士后特别资助基金,博士基金后面上项目、江苏省博士后基金,江苏省省资助博士后基金等项目,在Molecular cell proteomic, Applied microbiology and biotechnology, Glycobiology等期刊上发表SCI文章20余篇,累计影响因子达60,他引200多次;申请发明专利3项,授权发明专利2项;主持和承担了包括过国家自然科学基金、博士后特别资助基金、十三五重大研发计划等在内的省部级科研项目9项;指导学生获得“优秀本科毕业论文”奖(2013,2018)。入选江苏省“科技副总”(2014)、江苏省“苏北发展特聘专家计划”(2016)。指导硕士生方向:发酵工程,轻工技术与工程和生物工程。
2000.09—2004.07 新疆大学,生物技术专业,理学学士
2004.09—2007.07 新疆大学,生物化学与分子生物学,理学硕士
2007.09—2011.12 江南大学和Imperial College London联合培养博士,发酵工程专业,工学博士
2009.02—2010.10 Imperial College London(Glycoscience laboratory),医药学院
2011.12—2012.03 University of Missouri,pg麻将胡了2 ,访问学者
2012.03—2016.09 江南大学,校聘副教授
2016.09— 至今 江南大学,副教授
2018.01—2019.01 Uinversity of North Carolina,Chapel Hill(Glycoscience laboratory),访问学者
1、Xiaobei Zhan, Zhang Hongtao. (2017). Chapter 3. Curdlan oligosaccharides: Production and Application. Functional Carbohydrates, Taylor & Francis 2、Zhang, H.T, Palma, A. S., Zhang, Y., Childs, R. A., Liu, Y., Mitchell, D. A., & Feizi, Ten. (2016). Generation and characterization of β1, 2-gluco-oligosaccharide probes from Brucella abortus cyclic β-glucan and their recognition by C-type lectins of the immune system. Glycobiology, 26(10), 1086-1096. 3、Palma, A. S., Liu, Y., Zhang, H.T, Zhang, Y., McCleary, B. V., Yu, G.,& Wang, D. (2015). Unravelling glucan recognition systems by glycome microarrays using the designer approach and mass spectrometry. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, mcp-M115. 4、Zhang, H. T., Zhu, L., Liu, D., Zhan, X. B., Ding, J., & Lin, C. C. (2015). Model-based estimation of optimal dissolved oxygen profile in Agrobacterium sp. fed-batch fermentation for improvement of curdlan production under nitrogen-limited condition. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 103, 12-21. 5、Zhang Hongtao, Li, Z., Shuang, Z., & Xiaobei, Z. (2014). Mechanism of Lentinan Hydrolysis Based on ESI-CID-MS/MS and Preparation of Full Series of Oligosaccharides. CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE, 35(11), 2329-2334. 6、Zhang Hongtao, Li, Z., & Xiaobei, Z. (2014). Assignment of Removing Fructose in Reducing Terminal of Nostoc Oligosaccharides Based on ESI-CID-MS/MS and Preparation of Full Series of alpha-1, 2-Gluco-oligosaccharide.CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE, 35(12), 2547-2550. 7、Zhang, H. T., Zhu, L., Zhang, S., Zhan, X. B., & Lin, C. C. (2014). A new, quick, highly sensitive ultramicro-analysis method for the identification of fructose removed from fructofuranosyl-containing gluco-oligosaccharides by ESI-CID-MS/MS. Carbohydrate research, 398, 1-7. 8、Hongtao Zhang, Shuang Zhuang, Guanjun Tao, Yibing Zhang, Xiaobei Zhan, Wengang Cha. (2013) Typing of Blood-Group Antigens of Neutral Oligosaccharides by Negative-Ion Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. 85 (12), pp 5940–5949 9、Zhang, H T, Zhan, X B, Zheng, Z Y, Wu, J R, English, N, Yu, X B, Lin, C C. (2012) Improved curdlan fermentation process based on optimization of dissolved oxygen combined with pH control and metabolic characterization of Agrobacterium sp. ATCC 31749. Appliedl Microbiology and Biotechnology DOI: 10.1007/s00253-011-3448-3 10、Zhang Hong-Tao, Xiaobei Zhan, Joao Carlos Setubal, Zhiyong Zheng. (2011) Sequence and transcriptional analysis of curdlan-producing Agrobacterium sp. ATCC 31749 exposed to dissolved oxygen gradients in a scale-down system. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 91, 163-175 11、Zhang Hong-Tao, Joao Carlos Setubal, Xiaobei Zhan, Zhiyong Zheng, Dingqiang Chen, Jianrong Wu. (2011) Component identification of Electron Transport Chains in Agrobacterium sp. ATCC 31749 and its genome-specific prediction using comparative genome and phylogenetic trees analysis. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 38, 667-677 12、Xiao-Bei Zhan, Chi-Chung Lin, and Hong-Tao Zhang (2011) Recent advances in curdlan biosynthesis, biotechnological production, and applications. Appllied Microbiology Biotechnology , 93,( 2): 525-531 |
2、一种抑制色素形成的环-1,3-葡聚糖发酵方法 , 专利申请号:201711098454.7
3、主持国家博士后基金特别资助项目:唾液酸化寡糖的规模化耦合催化合成体系构建研究 项目编号:2014T70472
4、主持国家博士后基金面上项目:唾液酸化寡糖新型耦合催化合成体系的构建及其应用研究 项目编号:2012M520996
5、主持江苏省博士基金:人源稀有功能唾液酸化寡糖的微生物合成及其构效关系研究, 项目编号:1301011B
7、第二主持人国家自然科学基金面上项目:微生物β-葡聚寡糖最小功能单元的挖掘及其构效关系研究, 项目编号:3117164 8、参与十三五重大研发项目支项目:我国传统膳食营养组学及肠道微生物组大数据分析,项目编号:2017YFD0400302
8、主持《糖生物工程》课程学生能力达成度评价研究与实践 (1/5),项目编号:JG2019123
2、“创青春”全国大学生创业大赛校内选拔赛 三等奖(2018);