主要从事白酒生物学功能评价、基于多组学的白酒肠肝脑轴调控机理以及白酒风味健康因子挖掘研究,以第一作者或共同第一作者身份在国际主流学术期刊上发表SCI论文7篇,并参编由Springer Nature出版的白酒学术研究领域第一本英文专著(Science and Engineering of Chinese Liquor (Baijiu)-Microbiology, Chemistry and Process Technology),获得自然科学基金青年基金资助。
2007年9月-2011年6月 湖北大学生物技术专业本科
2011年9月-2014年6月 湖北大学微生物学专业硕士
2014年9月-2019年6月 江南大学发酵工程专业博士
2019年7月-2022年6月 江南大学食品科学与工程流动站博士后
2022年7月至今 pg麻将胡了2
1. Cheng Fang, Qingwu Zhou, Qingyang Liu, Wei Jia & Yan Xu*; Cross talk between gut microbiota and host lipid metabolism in a mouse model of alcoholic liver injury by chronic baijiu or ethanol feeding. Food & Function, 2022, 13: 596-608.
2. Cheng Fang, Hai Du, Xiaojiao Zheng, Aihua Zhao, Wei Jia*& Yan Xu*; Solid-state fermented Chinese alcoholic beverage (baijiu) and ethanol resulted in distinct metabolic and microbiome responses. FASEB Journal, 2019, 33, 7274-7288.
3. Cheng Fang, Hai Du, Wei Jia*& Yan Xu*; Compositional differences and similarities between typical Chinese baijiu and western liquor as revealed by mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. Metabolites, 2019, 9, 2.
4. Cheng Fang, Wei Lu, Qingyang Liu, Yongquan Chen, Wei Jia & Yan Xu*. Comparative study between the effects of aged and fresh Chinese baijiu on gut microbiota and host metabolism. Food Bioscience. 2022, 49, 101859.
5. Mei Ji, Cheng Fang#, Wei Jia, Hai Du*& Yan Xu*; Regulatory effect of volatile compounds in fermented alcoholic beverages on gut microbiota and serum metabolism in a mouse model. Food & Function, 2021, 12: 5576-5590.
6. Qun Wu, Yang Zhu, Cheng Fang, Rene H. Wijffels & Yan Xu. Can we control microbiota in spontaneous food fermentation? – Chinese liquor as a case example. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021, 110, 321-331.
7. Cheng Fang & Yan Xu. Classification of Chinese Baijiu. In Y. Xu (Ed.), Science and Engineering of Chinese Liquor (Baijiu): Microbiology, Chemistry and Process Technology (pp. 43-63), 2023. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
8. Cheng Fang & Yan Xu. Challenges and Perspectives (Strategies). In Y. Xu (Ed.), Science and Engineering of Chinese Liquor (Baijiu): Microbiology, Chemistry and Process Technology (pp. 595-608), 2023. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.