隶属于生物资源与生物炼制研究团队,主要从事农林废弃生物质资源化利用及微生物能源转化的研究工作,研究方向涉及生物质超分子结构的解聚机制、微生物制糖及发酵过程能质传递与菌/酶降解特性、连续热化学/生化转化系统的调控及过程强化等。目前共承担国家重点研发计划国合专项课题、国自然青年基金、博士后特别资助等国家纵向科研项目4项,以第一/通讯作者共发表SCI期刊论文14篇(总IF=160),撰写Springer Nature英文专著章节1章。 |
2007.9至2011.6,重庆大学能源与动力工程学院,热能与动力工程,学士 2012.9至2015.6,上海理工大学能源与动力工程学院,热能与动力工程,硕士 2015.9至2020.9,重庆大学能源与动力工程学院,工程热物理,博士 2020.10至今,pg麻将胡了2 ,助理研究员 其中: 2017.3至2017.5,泰国孔敬大学(KKU),访问学者 |
一、论文(论著)发表情况 | |||
[1] Chen H, Sun C *, Hu Y, et al. Reaction characteristics of metal-salt coordinated deep eutectic solvents during lignocellulosic pretreatment. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023: 109531. [2] Song G, Sun C *, Hu Y, et al. Construction of anhydrous two-step organosolv pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for efficient lignin membrane-extraction and solvent recovery. Journal of Physics: Energy, 2023, 5(1): 014015. [3] Sun C, Song G, Pan Z, et al. Advances in organosolv modified components occurring during the organosolv pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresource Technology, 2022: 128356. [4] Sun C, Meng X, Sun F, et al. Advances and perspectives on mass transfer and enzymatic hydrolysis in the enzyme-mediated lignocellulosic biorefinery: A review. Biotechnology Advances, 2022: 108059. [5] Sun C, Wu W, Chang H, et al. A tailored bifunctional carbon catalyst for efficient glycosidic bond fracture and selective hemicellulose fractionation. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 362: 127861. [6] Sun C, Hu Y, Sun F, et al. Comparison of biodiesel production using a novel porous Zn/Al/Co complex oxide prepared from different methods: Physicochemical properties, reaction kinetic and thermodynamic studies. Renewable Energy, 2022, 181: 1419-1430. [7] Sun C, Liao Q, Xia A, et al. Hydrolysis of disaccharides via carbon-based solid acids with binding and catalytic domains: glycosidic bond fracture properties and reaction kinetics. Fuel, 2021, 300: 120978. [8] Sun C, Ren H, Sun F, et al. Glycerol organosolv pretreatment can unlock lignocellulosic biomass for production of fermentable sugars: Present situation and challenges. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 344: 126264. [9] Sun C, Liao Q, Xia A, et al. Degradation and transformation of furfural derivatives from hydrothermal pre-treated algae and lignocellulosic biomass during hydrogen fermentation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 131: 109983. [10] Sun C, Xia A, Fu Q, et al. Effects of pre-treatment and biological acidification on fermentative hydrogen and methane co-production. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 185: 431-441. |
二、专利情况 | |||
1. Oleaginous Yeast and its application,PCT/17/674.913,2022-02-18; 2. 一种高价值活性寡肽的制备方法,申请号CN202110651889X,2021-09-17; 3. 一种农林生物质预处理方法,申请号202110011406X,2022-07-08; |
三、承担教学科研项目情况 | |||
1. 国家重点研发计划-政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项(子课题):纤维素酶解发酵协同共转化制乙醇体系构建与优化,2021YFE0114400,91/546万元; 2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:木质纤维素生物质浓醪糖化过程物质传递与生化转化特性的基础研究,52106245,30万元; 3. 中国博士后特别资助项目:高浓纤维质原料酶解过程浆液流动与物质传递及生化反应特性,2021TQ0127,18万元; |
四、获奖情况(含指导学生获奖) | |||
1. 2021年度中国商业联合会科学技术一等奖:微生物发酵生物质碳源产功能聚糖的关键技术与示范(5/13); |