
饶义剑-pg麻将胡了2 -pg麻将胡了2




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饶义剑,教授,博士生导师,国家级引进青年人才、江苏省特聘教授、江苏省333工程第二层次人选、江苏省双创人才和太湖创新领军人才;长期以合成生物学、结构生物化学、合成化学和发酵工程等方法系统开展“复杂天然产物(药物)的生物合成途径解析与仿生定向生物合成”等方面的研究,近年来在Nature Commun PNASJACS AngewACS Catalysis等杂志发表高水平研究论文60余篇,主持包括国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目、江苏省前沿引领技术基础研究专项、国家级引进人才项目、江苏省特聘教授等在内的科研与人才项目10余项,指导学生获得江苏省优秀毕业论文奖,担任《Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine》杂志的青年编委。(课题组网页://



1999-2003  武汉工程大学               学士

2003-2006  中国科学院福建物质结构研究所    硕士

2006-2007  中国科学院上海生命科学研究院    实习研究员

2007-2011  德国柏林自由大学            博士

2011-2016  德国马普协会生物化学研究所      博士后

2016-至今  pg麻将胡了2          教授、博士生导师




1. Y. Gao#, F. Li#, Z.S. Luo#, Z.W. Deng, Y. Zhang, Z.B. Yuan, C.M Liu, and Y.J. Rao*, Modular assembly of an artificially concise biocatalytic cascade for the manufacture of phenethylisoquinoline alkaloids, Nature Commun, 2024, 15:30.

2. H.B. Xu#, Z.B. Yuan#, S. Yang#, Z.P. Su, X.D. Hou, Z.W. Deng, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Discovery of a fungal P450 with an unusual two-step mechanism for constructing bicyclo[3.2.2]nonane skeleton, 2024, JACS, accepted.

3. Z. P. Su#, B.D. Guo#, H.B. Xu, Z.B. Yuan, H.L. Liu, T. Guo, Z.W. Deng, Y. Zhang, D.J. Yin, C.M. Liu, J.H. Chen,  Y.J. Rao*, Synthetic Biology-based Construction of Unnatural Perylenequinones with Improved Photodynamic Anticancer Activities, Angew, 2024, e202317726.

4. Z.W. Deng#, H. Su#, X.D. Hou, H.B. Xu, Z.B. Yuan, X. Sheng*, Y.J. Rao*,  Mechanistic Investigation on C–C Bond Cleavage of Anthraquinone Catalyzed by an Atypical Non-heme Iron-dependent Dioxygenase BTG13, ACS Catal, 2024, 14(2), 797–811.

5. C.T. Zhu, Z.B. Yuan*, Z.W. Deng, D.J. Yin, Y. Zhang, J.W. Zhou*, Y.J. Rao*, Photoenzymatic Enantioselective Synthesis of Oxygen-Containing Benzo-Fused Heterocycles, Angew, 2023, e202311762.

6. X.D. Hou#, H.B. Xu#, Z.B. Yuan, Z.W. Deng, K. Fu, Y. Gao, C.M. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Structural analysis of an anthrol reductase inspires enantioselective synthesis of enantiopure hydroxycycloketones and β-halohydrins, Nature Commun, 2023, 14(1):353.

7. Z.B. Yuan#, M.L. Liu#, Z.P. Su, H.B. Xu, C.M. Liu, L.S. Lu, L.L. Wang, X.N. Zhu, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Designing a cercosporin-bioinspired bifunctional algicide with flocculation and photocatalysis for efficiently controlling harmful cyanobacterial blooms, J Hazard Mater, 2023, 459, 132110

8. X.D. Hou#, H.B. Xu#, Z.W. Deng, Y.J. Yan, Z.B. Yuan, X.Z. Liu, Z.P. Su, S. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Discovery of the Biosynthetic Pathway of Beticolin 1 Reveals a Novel Non-heme Iron-dependent Oxygenase for Anthraquinone Ring Cleavage, Angew, 2022, 134 (37), e202208772.

9. X.Z. Liu#, Z.B. Yuan#, H. Su#, X.D. Hou, Z.W. Deng, H.B. Xu, B.D. Guo, D.J. Yin, X. Sheng*, Y.J. Rao*, Molecular Basis of the Unusual Seven-membered Methylenedioxy Bridge Formation Catalyzed by Fe(II)/α-KG-dependent Oxygenase CTB9, ACS Catal, 2022, 12 (6), 3689-3699.

10. M.L. Liu, Y. Zhang, Z.B. Yuan*, L.S. Lu, X.Z. Liu, X.N. Zhu, L.L. Wang, C.M. Liu, Y.J. Rao*, Cercosporin-bioinspired photoinactivation of harmful cyanobacteria under natural sunlight via bifunctional mechanisms, Water Research, 2022, 215, 118242.

11. Z.B. Yuan, L.S Lu, M.L Liu, X.Z. Liu, C.M. Liu, D.J. Yin, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Natural product cercosporin as a biomimic photocatalyst for the green synthesis of peptides containing kynurenine via energy transfer mechanism, Green Chem, 2022, 24(8), 3277-3283

12. Y.W. Wu#, L.S. Lu#, Y. Zhang, Z.B. Yuan, L.F. Yang, L.J. Wang, Y.J. Rao*, A bioinspired cercosporin/polymethylmethacrylate photocatalyst with high efficiency for decontamination of pharmaceuticals and pathogens, J Hazard Mater, 2021, 419, 126555.

13. L.S. Lu#, Y. Zhang#, Z.B. Yuan#, J.Y. Xu#, M. Li, Y.W. Wu, L.J. Wang, S.P. Huang, Y.J. Rao*, Easily fabricated HARCP/HAp photocatalyst for efficient and fast removal of tetracycline under natural sunlight, Chem Eng J, 2021, 421, 128620.

14. X. Xu#, S.H. Yan#, X.D. Hou#, W. Song, L. Wang, T.F. Wu, M.Y. Qi, J. Wu, Y.J. Rao*, B.J. Wang*, L.M. Liu*, Local Electric Field Modulated Reactivity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Acid Phosphatase for Enhancing Phosphorylation of L-Ascorbic Acid, ACS Catal,  2021,11,13397-13407.

15. Y.F. Liu, G.C. Xu, J.Y. Zhou, J. Ni, L. Zhang, X.D. Hou, D.J. Yin, Y.J. Rao*, Y.L. Zhao*, Y. Ni*, Structure-Guided Engineering of D-Carbamoylase Reveals a Key Loop at Substrate Entrance Tunnel, ACS Catal, 10 (2020) 12393-12402.

16. J. Li, W.H. Bao, Z.C. Tang, B.D. Guo, S.W. Zhang, H.L. Liu, S.P. Huang, Y. Zhang*, Y.J. Rao*, Cercosporin-bioinspired selective photooxidation reactions under mild conditions, Green Chem, 21 (2019) 6073-6081.




1. 国家级引进人才项目(重点资助)

2. 国家重点研发计划(合成生物学专项课题负责人)

3. 国家重点研发计划(绿色生物制造子课题负责人)

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目

5. 江苏省特聘教授(重点资助)

6. 江苏省前沿引领技术基础研究专项(课题负责人)

7. 江苏省双创人才

8. 江苏省双创团队(核心骨干)

9. 江苏省自然科学基金

10. 太湖人才创新领军人才

11. 中央高校自主研发重点项目

12. 江苏省333工程第二层次


1. 2016年江苏省特聘教授,

2. 2016年国家级引进人才

3. 2017年江苏省双创团队(核心骨干)

4. 2017年江南大学本科优秀毕业论文指导老师

5. 2018年江苏省双创人才

6. 2019年太湖创新领军人才

7. 2021年入选江苏省333工程第二层次


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